Willow Samoan

Willow Samoan
Enjoy a professional full body relaxation massage. Relieve yourself from the stress and toxins that inhabit your body. From start to finish you will get the pampering you deserve. I can adjust the pressure to your liking. Making it a hard deep massage or a light, soft massage. Got an area that's sore on the body, tell me and I'll focus on that. Receive full body relaxation with a manual release at the end. This is not an erotic massage. This is for clients who are looking for a professional relaxation massage with a release at the end. You may enjoy a shower on your own before and or after your massage.
$110.00 half an hour, $130.00 an hour and $50 for every extra half an hour.
How about a classic sensual massage? Relaxing touch mixed with enticing teases. This will make you anticipate what's to come until the very end. Shower play, Body slides, what's not to love.
$150.00 half an hour, $180.00 for an hour and $50.00 for every extra half an hour.
If massage is not your thing, come share a visit from your favorite girlfriend. A full experience from start to finish.
$180.00 for half an hour, $260.00 an hour and $100 for every additional hour. $1000.00 for overnight visits.
Non-sexual fetish requests are excepted as well. For example: foot fetishes, clothing requests or anything that includes sexy but non-sexual play.
Incall only.
Contact me here or at sexydevilxoxo1@outlook.com Please give me the day you want, the time you want, along with your phone number